Artist Spotlight
Michael Dryburgh

At the Luppoleto Gallery: December 2021
Mike Dryburgh is the current head brewer at The Beeracks in East Haven CT and former head brewer for Black Hog Brewing in Oxford, CT. Before getting his start in brewing, Mike spent 18 plus years in broadcasting in many locations around the United States.
He’s always had a fascination with art so in 2009 he began to paint, mostly for himself or for family members, usually in acrylics.
Chasing Viscosity
The pieces showcased this month are Mike’s leap into a medium he finds fascinating and challenging at the same time - fluid acrylics. Like life, he finds the medium of fluid acrylics to be unpredictable with surpising results and moments of unexpected beauty. Mike approached each piece with an idea and expectation, yet each and every one turned out differently than anticipated.
Check out Mike on Instagram and visit Luppoleto this month to enjoy the spectacular results!